What about danstat?
Last updated on 2024-12-03 | Edit this page
Estimated time: 12 minutes
- Is there an easier way to access Statistics Denmark
- Use a package to do the API-calls to Statistics Denmark
- Connect to Statistics Denmark, and extract data
- Create a list of lists to control the variables to be extracted
- Using the danstat package
Please note: These pages are autogenerated. Some of the API-calls may fail during that process. We are figuring out what to do about it, but please excuse us for any red errors on the pages for the time being.
Is there an easier way?
Many larger online services provide packages for easier access to their APIs.
Popular services might not have to do this, because enthusiasts write packages themselves.
A package called danstat
is available, and makes it
easier to extract data from Statistics Denmark.
The danstat package/library
Previously we retrieved at table with demographic data from Statistics Denmark.
How can we get that table using the danstat package?
Before using the library, we will need to install it:
Some installations of R may have problems installing it. In that case, try this:
After installation, we load the library using the library function. And then we can access the functions included in the library:
The danstat package contain four functions, equivalent to the four endpoints we discussed earlier.
The get_subjects() function sends a request to the Statistics Denmark API, asking for a list of the subjects. The information is returned to our script, and the get_subjects() function presents us with a dataframe containing the information.
subjects <- get_subjects()
id description active hasSubjects subjects
2 2 Labour and income TRUE TRUE NULL
3 3 Economy TRUE TRUE NULL
4 4 Social conditions TRUE TRUE NULL
5 5 Education and research TRUE TRUE NULL
6 6 Business TRUE TRUE NULL
7 7 Transport TRUE TRUE NULL
8 8 Culture and leisure TRUE TRUE NULL
9 9 Environment and energy TRUE TRUE NULL
10 19 Other TRUE TRUE NULL
We get the 10 major subjects from Statistics Denmark we have seen before. As before, each of them have sub-subjects.
If we want to take a closer look at the subdivisions of a given subject, we use the get_subjects() function again, this time specifying which subject we are interested in:
Let us try to get the sub-subjects from the subject 1 - containing information about populations and elections:
sub_subjects <- get_subjects(subjects = 1)
id description active hasSubjects
1 1 People TRUE TRUE
1 3401, 3407, 3410, 3415, 3412, 3411, 3428, 3409, Population, Households, families and children, Migration, Housing, Health, Democracy, National church, Names, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE
The result is a bit complicated. The column “subjects” in the resulting dataframe contains another dataframe. We access it like we normally would access a column in a dataframe:
id description active hasSubjects subjects
1 3401 Population TRUE TRUE NULL
2 3407 Households, families and children TRUE TRUE NULL
3 3410 Migration TRUE TRUE NULL
4 3415 Housing TRUE TRUE NULL
5 3412 Health TRUE TRUE NULL
6 3411 Democracy TRUE TRUE NULL
7 3428 National church TRUE TRUE NULL
8 3409 Names TRUE TRUE NULL
Those sub-subjects have their own subjects! Lets get to the bottom of this, and use 2401, Population and population projections as an example:
sub_sub_subjects <- get_subjects("3401")
id description active hasSubjects subjects
1 20021 Population figures TRUE FALSE NULL
2 20024 Immigrants and their descendants TRUE FALSE NULL
3 20022 Population projections TRUE FALSE NULL
4 20019 Adoptions FALSE FALSE NULL
5 20017 Births TRUE FALSE NULL
6 20018 Fertility TRUE FALSE NULL
7 20014 Deaths TRUE FALSE NULL
8 20015 Life expectancy TRUE FALSE NULL
Now we are at the bottom. We can see in the column “hasSubjects” that there are no sub_sub_sub_subjects.
The hierarchy is: 1 Population and elections | 3401 Population | 20021 Population figures
The final sub_sub_subject contains a number of tables, that actually contains the data we are looking for.
get_subjects is able to retrieve all the sub, sub-sub and sub-sub-sub-jects in one go. The result is a bit confusing and difficult to navigate.
Remember that the initial result was a dataframe containing another dataframe. If we go all the way to the bottom, we will get a dataframe, containing several dataframes, each of those containing several dataframes.
We recommend that you do not try it, but this is how it is done:
lots_of_subjects <- get_subjects(1, recursive = T, include_tables = T)
The “recursive = T” parameter means that get_subjects will retrieve the subjects of the subjects, and then the subjects of those subjects.
Which datatables exists?
But we ended up with a sub_sub_subject,
20021 Population figures
How do we find out which tables exists in this subject?
The get_tables() function returns a dataframe with information about the tables available for a given subject.
tables <- get_tables(subjects="20021")
7 BEF5
8 FT
10 BY1
11 BY2
12 BY3
13 BEF4
16 KM1
17 SOGN1
18 LABY02
19 LABY03
20 LABY05
21 BEF5F
22 BEF5G
23 BEV22
24 LABY01
25 BEV107
26 KMSTA003
1 Population at the first day of the quarter
2 Population at the first day of the month
3 Population 1. January
4 Population 1. January
5 Population 1. January
6 Population 1. January
7 Population 1. January
8 Population from the censuses
9 Summary vital statistics
10 Population 1. January
11 Population 1. January
12 Population 1. January
13 Population 1. January
14 Population 1. January
15 Population 1. January
16 Population at the first day of the quarter
17 Population 1. January
18 Population i percentage of all in the same municipality group
19 Population i percentage of all in the same age
20 Persons, who lived in the same municipality group as they did 20 years ago
21 People born in Faroe Islands and living in Denmark 1. January
22 People born in Greenland and living in Denmark 1. January
23 Summary vital statistics (provisional data)
24 Population increase per 1,000 capita
25 Summary vital statistics
26 Summary vital statistics
27 Average age
28 Average age
unit updated firstPeriod latestPeriod active
1 Number 2024-11-11T08:00:00 2008Q1 2024Q4 TRUE
2 Number 2024-11-11T08:00:00 2021M10 2024M10 TRUE
3 Number 2024-02-12T08:00:00 1971 2024 TRUE
4 Number 2024-02-12T08:00:00 1901 2024 TRUE
5 Number 2024-02-12T08:00:00 2008 2024 TRUE
6 Number 2024-02-12T08:00:00 2008 2024 TRUE
7 Number 2024-02-12T08:00:00 1990 2024 TRUE
8 Number 2024-02-12T08:00:00 1769 2024 TRUE
9 Number 2024-02-12T08:00:00 1901 2024 TRUE
10 Number 2024-05-31T08:00:00 2010 2024 TRUE
11 Number 2024-05-31T08:00:00 2010 2024 TRUE
12 - 2024-06-28T08:00:00 2017 2024 TRUE
13 Number 2024-04-18T08:00:00 1901 2024 TRUE
14 Number 2024-02-12T08:00:00 2010 2024 TRUE
15 Number 2024-02-12T08:00:00 2010 2024 TRUE
16 Number 2024-11-11T08:00:00 2007Q1 2024Q4 TRUE
17 Number 2024-02-12T08:00:00 2010 2024 TRUE
18 Per cent 2024-02-12T08:00:00 2008 2024 TRUE
19 Per cent 2024-02-12T08:00:00 2008 2024 TRUE
20 Per cent 2024-02-12T08:00:00 2007 2024 TRUE
21 Number 2024-02-12T08:00:00 2008 2024 TRUE
22 Number 2024-02-12T08:00:00 2008 2024 TRUE
23 Number 2024-11-11T08:00:00 2007Q2 2024Q3 TRUE
24 Per 1,000 capita 2024-02-12T08:00:00 2007 2023 TRUE
25 Number 2024-02-12T08:00:00 2006 2023 TRUE
26 Number 2024-02-12T08:00:00 2015 2023 TRUE
27 Avg. 2024-02-12T08:00:00 2005 2024 TRUE
28 Avg. 2024-02-12T08:00:00 2007 2024 TRUE
1 region, sex, age, marital status, time
2 region, sex, age, time
3 sex, age, marital status, time
4 sex, age, time
5 day of birth, birth month, year of birth, time
6 day of birth, birth month, country of birth, time
7 sex, age, country of birth, time
8 national part, time
9 type of movement, time
10 urban and rural areas, age, sex, time
11 municipality, city size, age, sex, time
12 urban and rural areas, population area and population density, time
13 islands, time
14 postal code, sex, age, time
15 postal code, sex, age, time
16 parish, member of the National Church, time
17 parish, sex, age, time
18 municipality groups, age, time
19 municipality groups, age, time
20 municipality groups, age, time
21 sex, age, parents place of birth, time
22 sex, age, parents place of birth, time
23 region, type of movement, sex, time
24 municipality groups, type of movement, time
25 region, type of movement, sex, time
26 parish, movements, time
27 municipality, sex, time
28 parish, sex, time
We get at lot of information here. The id identifies the table, text gives a description of the table that humans can understand. When the table was last updated and the first and last period that the table contains data for.
In the variables column, we get information on what kind of data is stored in the table.
Before we pull out the data, we need to know which variables are available in the table. We do this with this function:
metadata <- get_table_metadata("FOLK1A", variables_only = T)
id text elimination time map
1 OMRÅDE region TRUE FALSE denmark_municipality_07
4 CIVILSTAND marital status TRUE FALSE <NA>
5 Tid time FALSE TRUE <NA>
1 000, 084, 101, 147, 155, 185, 165, 151, 153, 157, 159, 161, 163, 167, 169, 183, 173, 175, 187, 201, 240, 210, 250, 190, 270, 260, 217, 219, 223, 230, 400, 411, 085, 253, 259, 350, 265, 269, 320, 376, 316, 326, 360, 370, 306, 329, 330, 340, 336, 390, 083, 420, 430, 440, 482, 410, 480, 450, 461, 479, 492, 530, 561, 563, 607, 510, 621, 540, 550, 573, 575, 630, 580, 082, 710, 766, 615, 707, 727, 730, 741, 740, 746, 706, 751, 657, 661, 756, 665, 760, 779, 671, 791, 081, 810, 813, 860, 849, 825, 846, 773, 840, 787, 820, 851, All Denmark, Region Hovedstaden, Copenhagen, Frederiksberg, Dragør, Tårnby, Albertslund, Ballerup, Brøndby, Gentofte, Gladsaxe, Glostrup, Herlev, Hvidovre, Høje-Taastrup, Ishøj, Lyngby-Taarbæk, Rødovre, Vallensbæk, Allerød, Egedal, Fredensborg, Frederikssund, Furesø, Gribskov, Halsnæs, Helsingør, Hillerød, Hørsholm, Rudersdal, Bornholm, Christiansø, Region Sjælland, Greve, Køge, Lejre, Roskilde, Solrød, Faxe, Guldborgsund, Holbæk, Kalundborg, Lolland, Næstved, Odsherred, Ringsted, Slagelse, Sorø, Stevns, Vordingborg, Region Syddanmark, Assens, Faaborg-Midtfyn, Kerteminde, Langeland, Middelfart, Nordfyns, Nyborg, Odense, Svendborg, Ærø, Billund, Esbjerg, Fanø, Fredericia, Haderslev, Kolding, Sønderborg, Tønder, Varde, Vejen, Vejle, Aabenraa, Region Midtjylland, Favrskov, Hedensted, Horsens, Norddjurs, Odder, Randers, Samsø, Silkeborg, Skanderborg, Syddjurs, Aarhus, Herning, Holstebro, Ikast-Brande, Lemvig, Ringkøbing-Skjern, Skive, Struer, Viborg, Region Nordjylland, Brønderslev, Frederikshavn, Hjørring, Jammerbugt, Læsø, Mariagerfjord, Morsø, Rebild, Thisted, Vesthimmerlands, Aalborg
2 TOT, 1, 2, Total, Men, Women
3 IALT, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, Age, total, 0 years, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, 6 years, 7 years, 8 years, 9 years, 10 years, 11 years, 12 years, 13 years, 14 years, 15 years, 16 years, 17 years, 18 years, 19 years, 20 years, 21 years, 22 years, 23 years, 24 years, 25 years, 26 years, 27 years, 28 years, 29 years, 30 years, 31 years, 32 years, 33 years, 34 years, 35 years, 36 years, 37 years, 38 years, 39 years, 40 years, 41 years, 42 years, 43 years, 44 years, 45 years, 46 years, 47 years, 48 years, 49 years, 50 years, 51 years, 52 years, 53 years, 54 years, 55 years, 56 years, 57 years, 58 years, 59 years, 60 years, 61 years, 62 years, 63 years, 64 years, 65 years, 66 years, 67 years, 68 years, 69 years, 70 years, 71 years, 72 years, 73 years, 74 years, 75 years, 76 years, 77 years, 78 years, 79 years, 80 years, 81 years, 82 years, 83 years, 84 years, 85 years, 86 years, 87 years, 88 years, 89 years, 90 years, 91 years, 92 years, 93 years, 94 years, 95 years, 96 years, 97 years, 98 years, 99 years, 100 years, 101 years, 102 years, 103 years, 104 years, 105 years, 106 years, 107 years, 108 years, 109 years, 110 years, 111 years, 112 years, 113 years, 114 years, 115 years, 116 years, 117 years, 118 years, 119 years, 120 years, 121 years, 122 years, 123 years, 124 years, 125 years
4 TOT, U, G, E, F, Total, Never married, Married/separated, Widowed, Divorced
5 2008K1, 2008K2, 2008K3, 2008K4, 2009K1, 2009K2, 2009K3, 2009K4, 2010K1, 2010K2, 2010K3, 2010K4, 2011K1, 2011K2, 2011K3, 2011K4, 2012K1, 2012K2, 2012K3, 2012K4, 2013K1, 2013K2, 2013K3, 2013K4, 2014K1, 2014K2, 2014K3, 2014K4, 2015K1, 2015K2, 2015K3, 2015K4, 2016K1, 2016K2, 2016K3, 2016K4, 2017K1, 2017K2, 2017K3, 2017K4, 2018K1, 2018K2, 2018K3, 2018K4, 2019K1, 2019K2, 2019K3, 2019K4, 2020K1, 2020K2, 2020K3, 2020K4, 2021K1, 2021K2, 2021K3, 2021K4, 2022K1, 2022K2, 2022K3, 2022K4, 2023K1, 2023K2, 2023K3, 2023K4, 2024K1, 2024K2, 2024K3, 2024K4, 2008Q1, 2008Q2, 2008Q3, 2008Q4, 2009Q1, 2009Q2, 2009Q3, 2009Q4, 2010Q1, 2010Q2, 2010Q3, 2010Q4, 2011Q1, 2011Q2, 2011Q3, 2011Q4, 2012Q1, 2012Q2, 2012Q3, 2012Q4, 2013Q1, 2013Q2, 2013Q3, 2013Q4, 2014Q1, 2014Q2, 2014Q3, 2014Q4, 2015Q1, 2015Q2, 2015Q3, 2015Q4, 2016Q1, 2016Q2, 2016Q3, 2016Q4, 2017Q1, 2017Q2, 2017Q3, 2017Q4, 2018Q1, 2018Q2, 2018Q3, 2018Q4, 2019Q1, 2019Q2, 2019Q3, 2019Q4, 2020Q1, 2020Q2, 2020Q3, 2020Q4, 2021Q1, 2021Q2, 2021Q3, 2021Q4, 2022Q1, 2022Q2, 2022Q3, 2022Q4, 2023Q1, 2023Q2, 2023Q3, 2023Q4, 2024Q1, 2024Q2, 2024Q3, 2024Q4
There is a lot of other metadata in the tables, including the phone number to the staffmember at Statistics Denmark that is responsible for maintaining the table. We are only interested in the variables, which is why we add the parameter “variables_only = T”.
What kind of values can the individual datapoints take?
metadata %>%
slice(4) %>%
id text
1 TOT Total
2 U Never married
3 G Married/separated
4 E Widowed
5 F Divorced
We use the slice function from tidyverse to pull out the fourth row of the dataframe, and the pull-function to pull out the values in the values column.
The same trick can be done for the other fields in the table:
metadata %>%
slice(1) %>%
pull(values) %>%
.[[1]] %>%
id text
1 000 All Denmark
2 084 Region Hovedstaden
3 101 Copenhagen
4 147 Frederiksberg
5 155 Dragør
6 185 Tårnby
Here we see the individual municipalities in Denmark.
Now we are almost ready to pull out the actual data!
But first!
Which variables do we want?
We need to specify which variables we want in our answer. Do we want the total population for all municipalities in Denmark? Or just a few? Do we want the total population, or do we want it broken down by sex.
These variables, and the values of them, need to be specified when we pull the data from Statistics Denmark.
We also need to provide that information in a specific way.
If we want data for all municipalites, we want to pull the variable “OMRÅDE” from the list of variables.
Therefore we need to give the function an argument containing both the information that we want the population data broken down by “OMRÅDE”, and that we want all values of “OMRÅDE”.
As before, we need to specify what we want using a list. Let us make our first list:
list(code = "OMRÅDE", values = NA)
[1] "OMRÅDE"
[1] NA
This list have to components. One called “code”, and one called “values”. Code have the content “OMRÅDE”, specifying that we want the variable in the data from Statistics Denmark calld “OMRÅDE”.
“values” has the content “NA”. We use “NA”, when we want to specify that we want all the “OMRÅDE”. If we only wanted a specific municipality, we could instead specify it instead of writing “NA”.
Let us assume that we also want to break down the data based on marriage status.
That information is stored in the variable “CIVILSTAND”.
And above, we saw that we had the following values in that variable:
metadata %>%
slice(4) %>%
id text
1 TOT Total
2 U Never married
3 G Married/separated
4 E Widowed
5 F Divorced
A value for the total population is probably not that interesting, if we pull all the individual values for “Never married” etc.
We can now make another list:
list(code = "CIVILSTAND", values = c("U", "G", "E", "F"))
[1] "U" "G" "E" "F"
Here the “values” part is a vector containing the values we want to pull out for that variable.
It might be interesting to take a look at how the population changes over time.
In that case we need to pull out data from the “Tid” variable.
That would look like this:
list(code = "Tid", values = NA)
[1] "Tid"
[1] NA
If we want to pull data broken down by all three variables, we need to provide a list, containing three lists.
We do that using this code:
variables <- list(list(code = "OMRÅDE", values = NA),
list(code = "CIVILSTAND", values = c("U", "G", "E", "F")),
list(code = "Tid", values = NA)
[1] "OMRÅDE"
[1] NA
[1] "U" "G" "E" "F"
[1] "Tid"
[1] NA
And now, finally, we are ready to get the data!
data <- get_data(table_id = "FOLK1A", variables = variables)
Rows: 28560 Columns: 4
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ";"
dbl (1): INDHOLD
ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
It takes a short moment. But now we have a dataframe containing the data we requested:
# A tibble: 6 × 4
<chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 All Denmark Never married 2008Q1 2552700
2 All Denmark Never married 2008Q2 2563134
3 All Denmark Never married 2008Q3 2564705
4 All Denmark Never married 2008Q4 2568255
5 All Denmark Never married 2009Q1 2575185
6 All Denmark Never married 2009Q2 2584993
This procedure will work for all the tables from Statistics Denmark!
The data is nicely formatted and ready to use. Almost.
Before we do anything else, let us save the data.
write_csv2(data, "data/SD_data.csv")
Key Points
- Larger services often provide packages to make it easier to use their API