Introduction to SQL

FIXME: home page introduction




Setup Download files required for the lesson
00:00 1. Introduction to SQL What is SQL?
Why is SQL significant?
What is the relationship between a relational database and SQL?
00:15 2. Selecting and sorting data What is a query?
How do you query databases using SQL?
How do you retrieve unique values in SQL?
How do you sort results in SQL?
00:35 3. Filtering How can I filter data?
01:05 4. Aggregating & calculating values How can we aggregate values in SQL?
Can SQL be used to make calculations?
01:25 5. Joins and aliases How do I join two tables if they share a common point of information?
How can I use aliases to improve my queries?
02:10 6. Saving queries How can I save a query for future use?
How can I remove a saved query?
02:40 7. Database design What is database design?
03:25 8. Creating tables and modifying data How can I create, modify, and delete tables and data?
03:50 9. Other database tools Are there other database tools that I can use besides DB Browser and SqliteOnline?
03:55 10. Extra challenges (optional) Are there extra challenges to practice translating plain English queries to SQL queries?
04:30 11. Good Style What is good SQL Style, and how can I abide by SQL conventions?
04:40 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.