

Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • How can I filter data?

  • Write queries that SELECT data based on conditions, such as AND, OR, and NOT.

  • Understand how to use the WHERE clause in a statement.

  • Learn how to use comparison keywords such as LIKE in a statement.


SQL is a powerful tool for filtering data in databases based on a set of conditions. Let’s say we only want data for a specific year. To filter by a year, we will use the WHERE clause.

FROM filmsAndSeries
WHERE release_year = 2020;

We can add additional conditions by using AND, OR, and/or NOT. For example, suppose we want the films with more than 500000 votes:

FROM filmsAndSeries
WHERE type="MOVIE" AND imdb_votes > 500000;

If we want to get data for movies from two years, we can combine the tests using OR:

FROM filmsAndSeries
WHERE type = "MOVIE" AND (release_year = 2020 OR release_year = 2022);

Or we could use IN:

FROM filmsAndSeries
WHERE type = "MOVIE" AND release_year IN (2020 ,2022);

When you do not know the entire value you are searching for, you can use comparison keywords such as LIKE, IN, BETWEEN...AND, IS NULL. For instance, we can use LIKE in combination with WHERE to search for data that matches a pattern.

For example, using the filmsAndSeries table again, let’s SELECT all of the data WHERE the title contains “Monty Python”:

FROM filmsAndSeries
WHERE title LIKE '%monty python%';

You may have noticed the wildcard character %. It is used to match zero to many characters. So in the SQL statement above, it will match zero or more characters before and after ‘Monty Python’.

Let’s see what variations of the term we got. Notice uppercase and lowercase, the addition of ‘s’ at the end of structures, etc.

To learn more about other comparison keywords you can use, see Beginner SQL Tutorial on SQL Comparison Keywords.


Write a query that returns the title, description, release_year for all movies and series that have “monty python” in the title or description.


SELECT title, description, release_year
FROM filmsAndSeries
WHERE title LIKE "%Monty Python%" OR description like "%Monty Python%" ;

You can continue to add or chain conditions together and write more advanced queries.

Key Points

  • Use WHERE to filter and retrieve data based on specific conditions.

  • Use AND, OR, and NOT to add additional conditions.

  • Use the comparison keyword LIKE and wildcard characters such as % to match patterns.