This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Visualising data using R: Glossary

Key Points

Before we Start
  • This is not an introduction to R

  • Visualisation is a useful way of representing data

  • We are going to study diamonds!

Getting started
  • Plots in ggplot2 are build by adding layers

Further mapping
  • Data can be plottet as something other than position

  • Types of plots are determined by geom_functions

Different types of plots
  • Categorical data, aka factors can control the order of data in plots

  • ggplot makes it easy to make many different types of plots

  • ggplot have many useful extensions

  • Facetting can make busy plots more understandable

  • Grid facetting in two dimensions allows us to plot even more variables

Scaling and coordinates
  • Pie charts are a bad idea!

  • Zooming might exclude data if done wrong

  • Play around to find the colors you like

  • EVERYTHING in the plot can be customized

Saving and exporting
  • The easiest way to adjust the size of your saved plots is by adjusting the plot window in RStudio

Whats next?
  • ggplot2 is extensible - a LOT of extensions are available
